Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 2!!

Good news today! Mrs. Yvette, JW's teacher said he has been eating his breakfast!!!! Woohoo!!!

Speaking of Mrs. Yvette, I am super grateful to The Lord for her and her relationship with Jesus!! The Lord totally brought her to Kids World for Jacob! It really has made me mindful to start praying for Jacob's future teachers! Jacob will be going to public school and I'm super excited about the opportunities of ministering to people!! I know many people fear public school but to me it just makes me mindful of how involved I'll need to be and how often I'll be in prayer! Lord use us for your glory in he schools!!!

Fruit - apples he didn't eat a dinner
Cereal - processed but no high fructose corn crap, it's cascadian farms, it's organic but doesn't cost much more than normal cereal
Walnuts - first time to have these
Dried cranberries - again from the bins..cheaper then the prepackaged ones

Easy Peesy!

Black beans - organic canned was the same price as nonorganic, left over from dinner
Mac and cheese - Annie's gluten free it's like 3 bucks a box so I only make 1/2 the box now and next week I'll use the rest
Peas - can't beat the $1 frozen veggies

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