Thursday, July 12, 2012

organic or not organic!

WARNING! totally rambling about what has been on my heart and mind!

really...really! so here's my thought, to each who come to know the Lord I'm beginning to think that that person has to know the Lord and grow in the Lord where they are at. So in Africa, you become a believer and that doesn't mean you need shoes or clean water or HIV education. It means you follow hard after the Lord in your situation. Right? Let's try to think less humanitarian and more Gospel minded...have we gotten caught up in making a way to present the gospel that we now provide a service and not even mention Jesus. What if we are suppose to serve the Lord where we are at? The Lord said he will redeem us from sin but not necesarily our situation. Do we set unrealistic conditions on someone that has just begun their relaionship with the Lord? Do we want them to know Jesus or to be western?

So I live in America, where they pump our food full of poison, daily kill animals in shelters and let's not even talk about what they do to our meat. Of course it would be easy to become a humanitarian and fight against the man but in doing so I have lost sight of the real reason I live in America. To follow hard after the Lord where I am at

so yes, this leads me to organic food! We could afford to spend the money on the food and eat all the healthy stamped label crap but what will it cost. I don't mean dollar signs I mean souls. Could the extra money spent a month go toward supporting another missionary? Let's be real probably 5 more missionaries. That stuff is expensive! help the homeless, provide for a widow. what if as a believer, a wife, a mom my place is knowing that the food isn't the best for us and could potentially harm us but it doesn't really matter. What matters is for every person to hear about Jesus, so Jesus will return for His bride! organics don't seem so important when I think like that. Has the enemy taken my fear of cancer, obesity, disease and tricked me into wasting money on organic food?

It will be hard making the non organic choice especially since I have done the research but with Christ all things are possible. Right? Right!

even as I write this I am saying well I will still buy organic meat or butter or etc. But enough is enough, I think I have put more of an importance on food than on the gospel. Sorry enemy, the vail has fallen off and my eyes have been opened to your schemes.

PS! don't let my conviction be yours, get with the Lord and he will give you your own :)


Things Remembered said...

It's all about a healthy balance. God definitely doesn't want us to live in fear like the Dr. Mercola followers (my mom), :) but I believe he wants us to do what we can. I'm definitely guilty of focusing too much on self though and not enough on Him and His plan, so I hear ya! Like I tell my mom, "What do we have to fear? We know who wins in the end!" :)

Steve & Jennifer said...

That's got to be hard when you've done the research!
Love reading your 'ramblings'.

Have you heard/watched this film . It is so interesting and something we're hoping we can do on our next term.


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