Monday, October 15, 2012


Jacob will start real school, daycare, next Monday!

If you don't know, Jacob has been staying with the Lester's during the day while I work. Unfortunately but totally understandable, Lester Academy is closing.

So as I prepare Jacob for daycare, I am also having to prepare myself. Being a working mommy means I lose control of Jacob's life early but maybe this is a blessing. Stay with me a moment...

To control and facilitate are 2 completely different things. To control something is to regulate and after a week in OSHA training I've learned all about regulations this week :-) but to facilitate is to make easier or bring about.

I've concluded it's much easier as a mom and wife to control then to facilitate. That's why being a working mommy might be a blessing. A blessing because if you aren't around 24/7 you are unable to control or at least you have to release control sooner. Which leads to being more of a facilitator.

Lord, help me release the control I hold Onto so tightly, may you be the only controller in his life! May I facilitate in a way that brings Glory to your Name!


Unknown said...

You are such an awesome mom! I'm right there with you. Emilee will soon be starting "school" at the elementary for speech therapy. I got all the enrollment paperwork in the mail yesterday. Thought I was going to cry. Love you! Miss You! said...

You'll be ok Jess. Chin up. You're the mommy. He knows that.


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