Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blogging when I should be working...

LOL! here we go again!

okay so I am gonna try to blog again.... don't hold your breath.

well, things have changed mucho since my last blog. Jacob is now 2 and some months. He's got some food allergies to dairy, wheat, eggs and peanuts. He won't die if he eats these, it just causes serious allergy symptoms. Needless to say our diet has dramaticly changed!!

now for some random pictures!

This is Jacob in my parents bathtub...it's as big as our bathroom at home! needless to say when we turned the jets on we got some serious bubble action!

a little blurry, but it's vacation so he is eating out of his raisin bag!

My first attempt at a grain free bread! I guess it might be considered paleo but not sure. I got it from a cookbook, no really sure the whole law about posting a published recipe...need to look into that. oh and the bread was good!

Jacob is in the middle. I still work Monday-Friday and a friend of ours keep Jacob monday-thursday and friday he comes to work with me. These are his twin friends, Liam and Jackson.

and let's wrap this blog up with my favorite scripture.

this is what the Lord says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight, " declares the Lord.


Crystal Thomas said...

Love the post! Welcome back to the blogging world! Sad this is the best way to know what's goin on in your life! Love the pics. Love you.

Kristie Seale said...

Yay!! Your back to blogging. I keep checking your blog for updates. I go in spurts too. I have been lazy and found a blog app so I do it a lot for quick blogs.


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